Playing catch-up.
Christmas morning, our little Tinkerbell and Sleeping Beauty.
After all the chaos of the holidays (losing my dog, having company for nearly three weeks straight, all those new toys, moving our office around to accommodate a space for both kids, etc. etc.) I finally feel like I’m getting back into the swing of regular daily life. And it’s only the middle of January...
One of my many resolutions for the year is to change my attitude. As I typed those words, I heard my Mom’s voice say them. My parents will be so happy that I’ve finally decided to do this because as a teen it’s the one phrase I’m sure I heard everyday. So there it is. I’m changing my attitude. See?
In the vein of being positive with a good attitude, I thought I’d share some pictures of the girls. Nothing like a little shot of cute kids to remind you to have a good attitude.