Friday, November 02, 2007


Carrie tagged me to write seven things about me that you may not already know.

  1. I’ll be 35 on my next birthday which just happens to be on Nov. 6.
  2. I fell in love with my husband the first time I met him. I called my Mom and told her I had just met the guy I was going to marry.
  3. We dated on and off for nearly 9 years before we married.
  4. We will celebrate our 8th anniversary on Nov. 12.
  5. November and December are filled with way too many dates for me to remember:
    Nov. 1- my dear friend Shelli’s son’s birthday
    Nov. 3- Mike’s best friend from childhood’s birthday
    Nov. 6- my birthday
    Nov. 7- one of my best friends, Aimee’s birthday
    Nov. 12- our anniversary
    Nov. 14- Mike’s best friend, Sean’s birthday
    Nov. 16- Mike’s Dad’s birthday
    Nov. 22- Thanksgiving
    Nov. 24- Shelli’s birthday
    Nov. 29- Mike’s Sister, Natalie’s birthday
    Dec. 3- my parent’s anniversary
    Dec. 5- Mike’s step Dad’s birthday
    Dec. 9- Mike’s birthday
    Dec. 17- Mike’s step Mom’s birthday
    Dec. 25- Christmas
    Dec. 29- my Best Friend, Marian’s birthday
    Dec. 31- my Brother’s birthday
  6. I HATE snakes.
  7. I love pickles.

If you haven't already participated, consider yourself tagged!


At 6:29 PM, Blogger tommie said...

That is alot of birthdays!
My husband's is two days after yours....and my anniversary is the 29th!


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