I'm back
One month of no blogging has turned into nearly two… but alas, I think I have found the time to return to my blog. Mike and I sat down and have somewhat formulated a schedule for our family. (Nanny 911 style!) Hopefully, this little schedule will help me not waste time and will help Mike remember to help me!
Coming up with a schedule has been a work in progress. We began by writing down everything I do in a day… let’s see, I get up, brush my teeth, wash my face and start a load of laundry, then I get the kids going, more brushing of teeth (theirs not mine) and then I make breakfast. This is where my day goes to hell. Why? Because I sit down at my computer to eat breakfast and spend at least an hour reading the news and all of your blogs! I forget that I need to switch the laundry (FlyLady says there are 5 steps, I only make it to #2- Wash). Then I feel like buying something. So I get in the shower with both kids, get dressed; load everyone into the car and then shop. By time I return home, the day is almost over and it’s time to throw something together for dinner. Sometimes I even forget that I’ve bought stuff and leave it in the car. See why I needed a schedule?
From day to day I can’t remember what needs to be done. I get caught in a need to be perfect, so I give up. The worst part? While out and about we eat lunch at McDonald’s or Del Taco or some other fast food joint. I’m slowly turning both my kids into me. Yikes!
So now I’m trying out the schedule. It seems to keep me on better track and we haven’t had a fast food lunch in a couple of weeks. Of course, this means I have to come up with not just dinner everyday but also a lunch! On Sunday evenings, Mike and I sit down and plan the next week’s dinners. We go through our cookbooks and find one new recipe to try. Last week’s new dinner was wonderful and healthy and very low stress! While coming up with a menu, I make a shopping list for the week. Now I don’t have to make three tips to the grocery store and one to Costco.
The schedule has actually created more time for me. I do not feel guilty for the hour I spend on the computer every morning because the time is assigned for just that. Hayden happily eats her breakfast and watches me while Dylan watches a video. (We don’t have regular TV so she is stuck with a DVD instead.) Mornings are very peaceful. I don’t have the push to get stuff done anymore. If it’s not scheduled I don’t worry about it.
Last night I finished a book. Last week I walked 40 minutes on my treadmill three times. I feel productive again.
I almost fell off my chair when I clicked your blog....WELCOME BACK!! I've missed you!
Congratulations on your new schedule! A woman after my own heart. It takes some discipline, but the freedom that comes from knowing the "work" is taken care of makes it worth it!
I know it is so hard to feel like you are in the kitchen constantly. (Boy do I know!) I think the new ad campaign--oh that's right, you don't have a TV! Well, anyway, there is a new ad campaign out that has sweet, angelic little kids saying,
"Mommy, can I have some candy/fast food/a donut".
Then, "Mommy, can I have some refined sugar and hydrogenated oils?." "Can I have some grease?"
"Mommy, can I have some diabetes?"
"Mommy, can I have some cancer?"
There is a voice-over this entire time saying, "They don't always call it by the proper name, but the result is the same" or something to that effect.
I think of that commercial each and every time I make a snack or figure out what to feed them. being a parent is so hard.
I'm proud of you!
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